
Download Still Wakes the Deep
Download Still Wakes the Deep

download Still Wakes the Deep

Set aboard an offshore oil platform in 1975, Still Wakes The Deep casts you as Caz McLeary, a Glaswegian electrician whose tasked with saving his colleagues (and possibly the rig itself) when they drill into, well, something not of this Earth. The latest game from the Brighton-based developer of Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture and Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs combines the period authenticity of the former with the lurching horror of the latter, and the results are – clearly – deeply immersive and knuckle-whiteningly intense. During an extended demonstration of The Chinese Room’s terrifying new firstperson chiller, there’s a moment when we belatedly realise we’ve been so fixated on the screen that we’ve failed to take a single note for several minutes.

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